Meet Crochet Craze - Mimi

"Hi! Betsy, thanks alot for agreeing to teach me desipte my deafness. Also appericate yr patience to write notes to explain during our crochet class. It is enjoyable to crochet even though it was not easy at start! :P Yr blog 's very well written and lots of nice photos. I wish I can blog like u but my grammer's not good. :( U might like to take a look at my website at I love to try every crafts which interests me greatly...also I enjoy creating with my hands..:)
Have a blessed xmas in advance!" -Mimi, 6th Dec 2008

Introductory Funky Knit Workshop @MAAD Last Weekend

8 new Funky Knitters joined in the charming knitting journey this time. If not for the loud jamming @MAAD, the sessions were much cozier this time, with 1-4 Funky Knitters in each session.
The morning group was the luckiest, since the rockers had not arrived yet! :P We chit-chatted as we knit, it was really relaxing & fun :) Audrey apparently met me during my 1st MAAD session 2years ago! She's so in love with my bags & name card, she's been regularly checking out my blog ever since! Wow, what a loyal fan! This time she's here with her Mum, Helen, to learn to knit for the 1st time. Their classmate, Shian is a regular at MAAD. So will definitely be seeing one another around @MAAD again :)

"Really enjoyed the workshop! Big thanks to Betsy for your patience with a clumsy first-timer ;)" - Shian, 4th Oct 2008

"Thanks for your patience. The workshop was a good introductory experience to knitting for me & was quite enjoyable. Happy 2nd Anniversary to Knotty Bicsie!" - Audrey, 4th Oct 2008

Meijun was introduced by her friend, Liling, who attended our previous Funky Knit Workshop @MAAD. Tingbee was supposed to knit with Meijun, unfortunately she caught a very bad flu over the weekend & had to miss the session. :( Tingbee, hope you are feeling much better now.

"It was an enriching experience. Really enjoyed it. Betsy is a very patient teacher, able to troubleshoot any problems that I caused during the knitting process. Thanks Betsy for the 2+++hours of lesson." - Meijun, 4th Oct 2008

It's been a long long time since I last met up with Rayson. Rayson decided to "visit" my stall @MAAD to pick up knitting, & then we can go to a friend's house-warming in the evening together.

Knitting has been so stereotyped to be an activity done by OLD GRANNIES IN ROCKING CHAIRS, it can be so hilarious sometimes! I can't help but notice some Knotty Fans' surprise look when they 1st see me in person! iyo.... hehe.... Actually it is said that crochet & knitting were first started by MEN! In fact, soldiers during the 1st world war even knitted their own socks! See how my hubby, Edward, is now able to be my assistant instructor in knitting too? I'm so proud of him! :)
Edward also helped me coached Sherry & Huimin, who came in for the last session of the day. Sherry bought a amigurumi kit set & wanted to learn to crochet. But since we are only doing knitting, Sherry was game enough to bring a friend, Huimin, to learn to knit anyway.
"It's tiring!! Haha... but quite fun too. Hope I won't forget the steps to knit. The teacher is a very nice & chatty lady. Thanks for helping (me to) knit coz my eyes were really tired :)" - Huimin, 4th Oct 2008

"Hi Betsy, Thanks for being patient & clear in your instructions :) I'm sure I'll be back for more lessons @your cozy (& quiet) place:)" - Sherry, 4th Oct 2008

On Sunday, Mandy brought her 13-year-old daughter, Megan, to MAAD & asked to learn to knit. Since I was free, I sat down with Megan to knit as well...

"Hey Betsy, at first I thought knitting was going to be confusing. But you guided me through & so I managed to complete my handphone pouch. Thanks!" - Megan, 5th Oct 2008

Yay.... Another tiring, but fun & fruitful weekend.

Our New Crochet Teacher - Jullie

Weekends at our crafting studio can get a little crowded at times... Luckily I got a wonderful helper, Jullie! See what our Crochet Craze, Gwen, got to say about our new crochet teacher...
"Hi Betsy, glad that i'm back for 2nd crochet project: Baby Booties. As usual, you are friendly, patient & approachable at all times. Lessons with you is always clear & enjoyable..hmm..what shld i crochet next?
 Jullie, my new teacher..positive attitude to successfully complete my booties with her guidance along the way..Thx v much..Woah~ i'm very fortunate to have 2 wonderful teachers..Dun envy me.. :) .. ;p"
- Gwen, 3rd Sep 2008

Meet KBCC Enthusiast - Laura

"Thank you for your patience and your cheerful personality which have helped made my crafting process enjoyable. It's also great that your explanations are clear and precise. As you know I love to show-off my handiwork even though it may not be perfrect. I just did that today and I feel so Shiok!!!!! Thanks dear." - Laura, 31st August 2008

Meet Crochet Craze - Shireen

"Thanks for the patience and clear instructions given. And also for the cosy studio for the lessons. It helped to make Ginger possible... YEH..." - Shireen, 25th August

Meet Funky Knitter - Seline

"When i first learn knitting from Betsy in the MAAD, I knew it was different. Compare to the other places that you learn, it's a remarkable experience. Betsy is very attentive and patient. She not only teaches you the basic and right method of it, she also explains every details that you are unsure of, & she also always makes sure that we have no problem in our project.
Knitting in Betsy's home studio is also another amazing experience. A comfortable and soothing place for knitting. Check out her baby booties, & your heart will definitely melt when you see them!
Betsy, thank you for teaching me the techniques, it was a great knowing you for the one month. If I could stay, I will definitely learn more. See ya again when I'm back... keep in contact!!!! muack muack..."
- Seline, 2nd August 2008

Meet Crochet Craze - Han

"Hi Betsy, I LOVE my new hp pouch!! Thank you for your patience & guidance. You're a wonderful teacher..Class was enjoyable & relaxing in your cosy studio. Will be looking forward to learning more projects from you.
p/s: Crochet can be addictive." - Han, 21st July 2008

Meet Funky Knitter - Ohan

Meet our record-holder - Ohan! Our "kai xin guo", Ohan, not only made everyone @Knotty Bicsie Crafting Studio laugh A LOT, she broke the record of completing her very 1st knitted project (scarf) in just 11days! Wow! Congrats, Ohan!
"I had a great time learning knitting with Ms Toh (Betsy). Initially it was a lil complicated, but after her careful guidance, I got the hang of it in just one lesson. It was actually pretty easy & I had loads of fun in her warm & cosy studio!
Ms Toh (Betsy) is a wonderful teacher with great amt of patience, & picking up knitting skills frm her is just as easy as abc. I had a great sense of satisfaction upon completing my scarf & it is definitely worth every ounce of my sweat & time! Now I have developed an interest in knitting & I will be coming back for more!"
- Ohan, 20th July 2008

Meet Funky Knitter - Li Sha

"Knitting proved to be easier and much much more fun than i thought with Betsy! The beautifully decorated studio and soft background music created the perfect relaxed atmosphere for knitting. Betsy further contributed to the comfortable mood by chit chatting with us! Knitting itself is also really relaxing and therapeutic. It not only calms you down but also trains your patience and perserverance (especially if you are knitting a looooong scarf). I can't believe how addicted to knitting I became! So a word of warning to wannabe knitters: Be careful. Once you start, you can't stop! hee. :)" - Li Sha, 6th July 2008

Meet Funky Knitter - Amy

"Learning knitting from Betsy was truly enjoyable! Having such a warm, friendly, approachable and encouraging teacher makes overcoming the initial intimidating learning curve a less frustrating experience. And once i got the hang of knitting, subsequent sessions for project completion were equally a joy to attend, as knitting while chatting with Betsy or basking in the company of other funky knitters students really breaks the stereotype of knitting as being monotonous and granny-like!! lol. In fact, the time it took to complete my scarf seems shorter than it is, and it certainly makes my holidays so much more fulfilling :)
A big THANK YOU to Betsy for helping me adequately grasp the foundations of this addictive craft, giving me confidence to try out other individual projects for more practice! (i'm almost done with the back of my sweather yay! :p) And when i'm ready to learn how to tackle more complicated patterns and projects, i'll definitely be back for more! XD
Watch this space! hahahh... :)"
- Amy, 12th July 2008

Meet More Funky Knitters

Last weekend at MAAD my products took a "background" position since I was running Funky Knit Workshop. Nevertheless, my Magic Mushroom was selling like hotcakes! I made 12pcs & now I'm only left with 2! Time to make more! yippee..! Knotty Fans, thank you for loving my Magic Mushrooms! ;)
Funky Knit @MAAD over the weekend was a hit! There were so many new Funky Knitters, I hardly even got time for lunch! Looking at all the beautiful mobile phone pouches made by these 1st-time knitters, all the hard work was really worthwhile. Moreover, we all had fun!

Here's what some of the Funky Knitters have to say about their virgin knitting experience...
"I think the funky knitter is quite a useful introduction for those who had never tried knitting before. It teaches the fundamental needed to pick up this form of crafting but without being too technical. Its also rather affordable at $10 and we get to bring home a self-knitting handphone pouch, together with the knowledge to make more pouches. Overall, an interesting workshop and worth recommendation." - Ho Man, 20th July 2008

"Dear Betsy... i luv my new hp pouch. was apprehensive & afraid that knitting was difficult to pick up but your introductory lesson & patient coaching with tips along the way made the 2 hour session much fun ! i can't wait to knit myself a scarf for my trip to japan end sept. and if i ever get good enough, knit some more for my friends as xmas gifts ! i will check out your website soon & embark on my next project. i am glad i bought the pom pom set coz now i can make myself a pom pom bag for lunch :)" - Corine, 10th July 2008

"Dear Betsy, I enjoyed my very 1st knitting class with your heartfelt teaching to complete this pc of project. Thank you for your patience and guidiance to the end..... Believe I will set myself to the next knitting class journey soon." - Kate, 10th July 2008

"Dear Betsy, You were a great teacher! I had alot of fun, and I love the pouch! Would love to learn more from you if i've the chance." - Jilline, 8th July 2008

"Hi Betsy, Firstly, thank you so much for passing some knowledge of doing a therapeutic hobby to me. And guess what, i'm definitely addicted to knitting!! haha.. im looking forward to do more knitting projects especially bags and sweater. Your session was really helpful. You gave me full attention and help till i get the right way of knitting. And most importantly, you let me understand every details of the knitting process rather than just jumping in to knit and complete the project. That is the most important factor. And i thank you for that. It will let me understand more about the knitting process. In short, you did a very good job teaching me. And of course i will see you again. Thank you again. meanwhile take care." - Nur, 8th July 2008

"Dear Betsy, thank you for... your time and patience on Sat. I had tremendous fun working with you and look forward to picking up knitting proper some time soon. I'll definitely arrange it with you once I work out the details with sis. Have a great day!" - Jackie, 9th July 2008

"Hi Betsy. It was a very interesting experience, my first time at knitting. You were very patient with beginners like us and I was really glad that at the end of the course, I was able to complete the handphone pouch and be able to bring something home. Definitely considering to sign up and embark on other projects. Thanks!" - Zhenzhu, 9th July 2008

Today, yet another new Funky Knitter joins the club. Ohan, my super adorable Art Student from last year, decided to pick up knitting before she leaves America for studies. Her crazy, chirpy personality made Amy & I laughed sooo... much! I'm sure we'll have more whacky times together, since she's got a scarf to complete! ;D

Meet Funky Knitter - Yumin

"Knitting class couldn't be easier with a fun-loving teacher like Betsy!! (: The nature of such craft really trains one's patience, concentration (nvr miss a stitch!) and eyesight. But the relaxing atmosphere of the studio and the small chit-chats we gals have with Betsy just makes it all the more enjoyable. TO BETSY: THANKS FOR BEING SUCH A WONDERFUL, PATIENT, FUNNY, SWEET-NATURED TEACHER!!! I'm already addicted to making scarves. Ha I even used it to calm myself down before my driving test, for real! (: one day when I'm back from the states, I'll learn crocheting from you! KEEP IN TOUCH, K?! LOVE YOU LOADS!! (:" - Yumin, 26th June 2008

Meet Funky Crocheter, Rabi'ah

"Betsy is a very patient teacher who helped me get off to a flying start on my new hobby! I found her to be very accommodating of my various requests and was impressed by her personalised service (I love the pink crochet hook and multi-coloured yarn she got for me for the first lesson!)."

- Rabi'ah Ghazali, 16 March 2008

Meet Funky Knitter, Sanny

"Hi Betsy,
I'm writing this e-mail because i really don't know how i can thank you enough. I am really grateful that i found a teacher like you. You are really a very great and compassionate teacher. 1 word to describe you "WOW !" I really enjoyed the lessons with you, even though i'm so careless & annoying sometimes, you still have the passion to teach me. LOL. Whenever i have done some mistakes on my scarf, you would help me anytime i called you. Without you encouragements, I would not be able to complete the scarf and would have given up. I really miss the lessons and will remember everything that you have taught me. Really appreciate that. Thank You, Betsy!"
- Sanny Anggrani, 3 Feb 2008

Funky Knitter, Robert

"Well, (at first) before I found out about Betsy's Funky Knits Classes, I thought that knitting was really impossible for me and I was out of idea what to give to my friend for Christmas other than a scarf... Till (then) I met Betsy, everything seems to be the other way around... she taught me patiently and I guess it's really helpful. The impossible turns out to be possible and amazingly, I finished everything in 2 weeks!

I'm definitely sure that Betsy is one (of a) teacher who will not give up on her students. She (will) try every possible way to help me when there's a mistake and make herself free for me to meet her... what can i say other than THANK YOU. I think, without her help, I would not be able to finish everything before Christmas. It costs me $150 for the whole lessons... people might think that it will be way too much for the whole lessons and so did I... but after everything she has done, i will have to say that $150 is WAY TOO CHEAP for the whole lessons... Thanks to you, Betsy. You are a great-fantastic-amazing teacher!

It will be great to take up another project again and I am pretty sure that my friends would love to take up a project with Betsy... anyway, Thanks so much much much for your help..."

- Robert Suprapto, 22 Dec 2007

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Knitting & Crochet Workshops

There's something for EVERYONE @Knotty Bicsie!
For Beginners, there are Beginner Special Workshops whereby all materials are provided & you learn to knit a small project (eg. hp pouch, small bag)
within 4hrs!

For Funky Knitters who already can cast on, knit, purl & cast off, you surely wanna try something more exciting & challenging!
Maybe a bag, a hat, a top, a sweater, a blanket, a cushion cover, a Plush toy, etc...
Knotty Bicsie conducts project-based classes too!
These classes run on 2-4hr/week (YOU decide)
for as long as you take to complete the project!
Class Fees: S$150-350/project (depending on scale of project)
Class fees EXCLUDE materials,
arrangement can be made for a customized shopping trip to get all the materials you need.
Contact Betsy now!

Workshop Venue

Workshops are conducted all conducted at my Home Studio @Admiralty Drive (10min walk fr Sembawang MRT).

Alternatively, if you prefer workshops to be conducted at the comfort of your home, there'll be a surcharge of S$30.00/session.