Needle Felting Fun! & Crochet Craze - Shian

"Dear Betsy,
Thank you so much for teaching me a new craft! Most inspired by your passion too :) Keep up the excellent work... and blessings to you & family on this Christmas season & a joyous New Year!" - Shian, 24th Dec 2010

Meet Funky Knit - Yu Lei

"Betsy is very patient with me and she really knows her stuffs well! She's also very chatty so this somehow turns every single session into a chatting session instead, but of course, not at the expense of my project :) It's very enjoyable to be able to learn knitting from someone who is so passionate and takes so much pride in her students' works that she wants them to take pictures with their projects so that she can keep them as momentos! Kudos to Betsy for making knitting such a therapeutic and pleasurable experience! I'll definitely look for you in future if I have new projects in mind!" - Yu Lei, 29th Nov 2010