2nd Introductory Crochet Craze Workshop @MAAD

By popular requests, I did another Introductory Crochet Craze Workshop @MAAD last Sunday. This time, it was full house with 5 Crochet Craze newbies! Check out their beautiful virgin project - knotty mobile phone pouch! :)
"Betsy is a patient teacher & for a beginner like me who has no experience in crochet, I feel very accomplished when I completed my mobile phone pouch. Although I made lots of mistakes, she was willing to guide me along in correcting me. I have certainly learnt a lot during these 2 hours. Thank you, Betsy!" - Evelyn, 7th June 2009
"Thanks, Betsy! I have a wonderful afternoon learning the crochet technique from you. Your instructions are clear & you are patient. Hope to have the chance to learn more from you. Cheers!" - Ellen, 7th June 2009
"Haha back again for a second mini-workshop with Betsy!! Because she is such an attentive teacher. :) Finished a cute pouch under 2hrs! Crochet is amazingly faster than knitting indeed. haha, good for more 'instant-gratification' projects :)" - Amy, 7th June 2009

Special Announcement!!!
From now on, simply gather your family & friends to form a group of 3-5people & you can email me (betsy@knottybicsie.com.sg) to request for your very own Introductory Funky Knit &/or Crochet Craze Workshop! Workshop details as follows:

Introductory Funky Knit / Introductory Crochet Craze - mobile phone or coin pouch
Available Dates: 1st Sunday of every month (eg. 6th July, 2nd August, 6th September, etc)
Time: 11am-1pm
Venue: MAAD @red dot design museum (28 Maxwell Road)
Fees: S$20.00/student, INCLUDES all materials
Note: Strictly by appointment only! Pls book your slot at least 1week in advance to prevent disappointment. Minimum 3students to start a class.