Meet Crochet Craze - Elaine

Elaine hopped over from her stall last Sunday @MAAD to try her hands at crochet too! Appreciate her enthusiasm despite several "distractions" when there were customers at her stall. Luckily our stalls were just opposite each other :P
"Betsy is a practical & realistic instructor, she does not promise you the sky about what you can do with basic crochet skill. Hence, with my existing craft knowledge, I am able to gauge how far I can go, how good I want to be for future projects. However, I felt that 2hrs is not enough for for a first-time crochet enthusiast to finish up a handphone pouch (on our own). But it is a very good introductory lesson to get a taste of what hard work is all about. I had fun during her workshop, which explore the cor-ordination between fingers of 2 hands, unknowingly increase unnecessary stitches, and with a lot of help from Betsy, I am a proud owner of a iPod cover. :P
Thanks for the workshop, I would continue to practice my crochet skill next MAAD." - Elaine, 5th May 2009

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